
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Will You Still Need Me... When I'm 64! Yom Ha'atzmaut 5772

Today Israel turns 64 years old and this is no small birthday. I am continually amazed at how a place so ancient on the one hand is yet so vital and modern on the other. How values we have held as Jews for centuries can be put into practice in building our homeland and improving the world. Now I know Israel isn't perfect but hey show me someone or someplace that is! As a lover of Israel and our people, I can't help beam with pride at how this small country the size of New Jersey (my home state) has in the face of adversity since it's founding built a vibrant, successful, democratic nation out of Jewish immigrants from across the world and from all walks of life. Never in the history of humanity has a people brought a language back from the brink of death, and a land from desert to fertility. Through sheer hard work, ingenuity and imagination Israelis have built a model state which is the envy of countries far beyond their years of existence. It is often said that age is a frame of mind. For our homeland which is steeped in such ancient history and filled with a spiritual presence unlike any other place in the world, Israel is young at heart and filled with life. I believe we need Israel more than ever and Israel needs us. So here's to 64 years of miracles! But don't only take my word for it. Check out Israel's many accomplishments and blessings to the world at: As we say when we return the Torah to ark, "Help us turn to You, Adonai, and we shall return. Renew our lives as in days of old." May God continue to bless the miracle that is the State of Israel, and may our people continue to make the old, new and the new, great! Chag Sameach!

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