
Monday, December 17, 2012

Ducking the Issue of Gun Control at Our Own Peril

What do a movie theatre, Sikh Temple, university, campaign rally, shopping mall, and elementary school all have in common? - Sadly, they are all places where gun violence has taken the lives of innocent people, and shattered the lives of families and communities. Also sadly it seems that each time we live through such a tragedy, we shake our collective heads, talk about the horror of it all, and then go about our business as if nothing we can do makes any difference. But, making a difference and striving to address problems in our community is at the core of the Jewish belief in engaging in our world to make it better in each generation (Tikkun Olam). Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel taught, “The world rests on three principles: On Justice, on Truth, and on Peace.” (Ethics of the Fathers 1:18) Each of these three areas, are the building blocks of our relationships both as individuals, as well as collectively as a community/society. Therefore, I believe as Jews we have a moral obligation to lead a serious debate about the root causes of violence in our society, how we might better educate people about coping with anger, and depression, providing appropriate mental health resources for those in need, and becoming advocates for smart laws that balance individual rights, while guarding the safety and wellbeing of the larger community.

From its earliest teachings, the Torah, reflects upon the issue of violence and the devastating results of it in the stories of Cain and Abel, the laws given to Noah, and the 7th Commandment (You shall not murder!). In each case it is clear that God’s Will is that we not snuff out the gift of life that God instilled inside each of us. It is not only a tragedy for victims, the families of the victims, but also an affront to God the Creator of all life. The Torah’s and later Rabbi’s did not shy away from discussing, and debating these issues. They placed education as a central part of the effort to minimize, and confront violence in their communities. They understood that law, and the system of justice along with ethical education could make a difference. While we can agree that the issues surrounding guns, and violence in our society are complex, and that there are many differing points of view about what should or shouldn’t be done, what is abundantly clear however is that ducking the issue, and failing to even start the serious dialogue will not make this issue go away.

Are we prepared to work, debate, and educate, or will we once again duck, close our eyes, and pray for a miracle? May we be courageous like our prophet Isaiah who envisioned a time when, “you shall beat our swords into plow-shears, and your knives into pruning hooks”, and did his best to make it a reality.