One of the special features of the
Hebrew language is that when it was first developed in ancient times, the
language itself did not have any vowels or punctuation. While any other people
might see this as a weakness, our tradition saw this as giving every word
layers of possible meaning. So for
example the three letters – shin, lamed, mem can mean: hello, goodbye, peace and completeness
- each deriving its layer of meaning from the context within a sentence. Also each letter in Hebrew is also a
number, leading to even more paths of interpretation. In the end our Sages loved
to take the roots of words and find deeper and deeper meanings to speak to our
lives. They strove to uncover these hidden meanings, and believed they were
gifts of the Divine.
One word we hear a lot of during the High Holiday season is the word: Shana as in L’Shana Tova (literally: For a Good Year). In its simplest form, the root shin, nun, hey translates to mean year. But interesting enough the same three letters can also mean to change, and to learn. Herein illustrates the beauty of the Hebrew language. In essence, whether we like it or not, our lives are filled with changes, as we grow from year to year. We are continually in new places within our lives, presented with new challenges and opportunities and most importantly the potential to learn. Our tradition encourages us to strive to learn to confront, appreciate, and hopefully make the best of these changes. We hope that as we grow older and wiser we learn to make better decisions, learn to live more meaningful lives, and work harder toward changing those parts of ourselves which don’t live up to the best of who we know deep down inside we are. The word shana (year) therefore becomes not just a passive noun but, instead a verb, always in motion beckoning us to continue to learn, change and grow.
On Rosh Hashanah we take stock of what we did last year. We try to remember and reflect on the significant deeds, moments, and times we had with an eye towards what we can learn from them, and how we can change our lives for the better in the upcoming year. Sometimes confronting the year is a daunting task. It may have been a year of insecurity, loss, or disappointment. In looking at a year like this, the Hebrew language helps us by reminding us that we have untapped potential for learning and change. During the High Holiday service, we pray for a year of health, happiness and peace. We fill ourselves with hope, the comfort of our family and friends, and the belief in new beginnings. We can also reflect upon the blessings we have enjoyed, the thankfulness of another year of life, and the dreams we still hope to bring to fruition.
Finally, just as the beauty of the word shana goes beyond the simple meaning of year but challenges us to peel away the many layers of meaning; the flow of the High Holidays themselves from beginning to end calls us to a journey of deepening meaning. At its best, we start out in one spiritual place and in the end hopefully find ourselves in a new and better spiritual place. This takes effort for sure but the reward can be life affirming and transformative. I hope that this new shana of 5773 is one filled with the best learning, change, health and happiness for you and your family. And as we traditionally say, “L’shana Tova Tikateivu v’Tikhateimu! May you be written and sealed for a good new year! “